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On the Customer Portal, bookings are shown with customer-facing statuses. These statuses are derived from both the booking’s current status and the status of its stops, ensuring customers have a clear and accurate view of their booking’s progress.

Awaiting dispatch

The booking is On Hold (to_be_dispatched), with no stops yet dispatched into a tour.

Awaiting redispatch

The booking is Partially Dispatched, with at least one stop in a Failed state, while other stops are either Completed or Scheduled. The booking has no active stops currently being worked on, but there is at least one stop that requires redispatch due to failure.


The booking is Dispatched or Partially Dispatched, with all stops either Scheduled or Completed. Although the booking has been dispatched to tours, no drivers are currently working on the stops.

In progress

The booking is Dispatched or Partially Dispatched, with at least one stop being approached by a driver or where the driver has already arrived. Other stops can be in any status.

Awaiting payment

The booking is operationally complete but unpaid (processing_payment).


The booking is fully completed, both operationally and in terms of payment (paid).

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