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This article explains a booking's status and transition within the timeline feature. A history of your booking can be accessed in the timeline of a booking, and you can access the actions taken and timestamps of each booking to learn about its journey from creation to completion.
Booking timeline
When viewing bookings as map, click on View details at the upper right corner of the Booking or when viewing booking in list view, click into the booking.
Details tab
Shows generic details such as booking start time, status of booking, address of each stop, delivery type, customer details, price, payment method and so forth.
Timeline tab
Shows the history of a booking with timestamps, status and transitions triggered by the system, including Driver interactions.
Available statuses and transitions
Some statuses & transitions are only available for a certain dispatch configuration (see below). Some status names have a different translation on the dashboard than on API level. to_be_dispatched
refers to 'On Hold', searching_provider
refers to 'Assigning' and pending_provider
refers to 'Looking for driver'.
Available statuses:
Available transitions:
Scheduled — create
Booking status: Scheduled
Transition triggered: Create
An Admin or Customer just created a booking. Scheduled bookings will appear in the upcoming tab awaiting drivers to claim. If the scheduled_at time is now or close by, it will automatically switch to an instant booking (’Pickable’ or ‘Looking for driver’).
If manual dispatch is enabled, created bookings will land ‘On Hold’.
Scheduled — schedule
Booking status: Scheduled
Transition triggered: Schedule
When an ‘On Hold’ booking has been dispatched by an admin, booking status changes to ‘Scheduled’. The booking will now appear in the upcoming schedule awaiting driver(s) to claim.
Claimed - claim
Booking status: Claimed
Transition triggered: Claim
Once a driver has accepted the assigned or suggested scheduled booking, it is shown as being ‘Claimed’. Do note that the driver still has to start the booking before it expires.
Scheduled — unclaim
Booking status: Scheduled
Transition triggered: Unclaim
When a driver rejects a claimed booking, it will appear back in the upcoming schedule tab awaiting new drivers to claim.
Scheduled — release
Booking status: Scheduled
Transition triggered: Release
When a claimed booking expires due to driver’s failure to start the trip in time, it gets dispatched and will appear in the upcoming schedule awaiting new drivers to claim.
Looking for driver — start_search
Booking status: Looking for driver
Transition triggered: Start_search
After creating an instant booking/ dispatching an ‘On Hold’ booking which scheduled_at time is set to now or if a scheduled_at time of a Scheduled booking expires, it switches to this status. It is now visible to all drivers or to the ‘Suggested’ driver(s). The system is actively searching for a driver to accept the booking. The driver needs to be in the km radius to be able to see the booking. Read Set up your scheduling configuration for more information.
Looking for driver — reassign
Booking status: Looking for driver
Transition triggered: Reassign
The reassign action is triggered by the admin by clicking on either ‘Assign’ or ‘Suggest’, as the booking is being dispatched. With ‘Suggest’ the driver still needs to accept the booking in order for the status to change.
Looking for driver — reject
Booking status: Looking for driver
Transition triggered: reject
A driver declined an instant booking. It doesn’t show the request again but goes back to ‘Looking for driver’ status and searches for the next closest driver within the 30km radius. If a driver rejects by accident, an admin can ‘Suggest’ or force ‘Assign’ the booking again to the driver and the booking will show up on the driver’s app.
Assigning — requested_driver
Booking status: Assigning
Transition triggered: Requested_driver
If the booking has found a driver within 30km range, its status switches to ‘Assigning’. The booking is now visible as a request to the driver on the app to either accept or decline the booking. If the driver declines or doesn’t accept within 30 seconds, the booking goes back to the status ‘Looking for driver’ and the auto-dispatch looks for the next closest driver within 30km range to accept the booking, until a driver finally accepts the booking. A booking might try to request for a driver multiple times before it finally gets claimed.
En route — accept
Booking status: En route
Transition triggered: Accept
A driver has accepted and started the instant booking that was suggested or force-assigned to, and is on the way to complete the booking. Before arriving at the first stop, the driver still has the option to ditch the booking.
Scheduled — ditch
Booking status: Scheduled
Transition triggered: Ditch
When a driver cancels an ‘En_route’ booking, the system automatically triggers a fallback to make the cancelled booking visible to other drivers, so the booking can still be started and completed eventually.
After ‘Ditch’, the booking gets back to its previous status ‘Scheduled’, ‘Looking for driver’ or ‘Pickable’. Note: Webhooks can be created to configure ‘Ditched’ bookings to be put ‘On Hold’ after it has been cancelled, instead of showing the booking to drivers immediately.
Done — complete_stops
Booking status: Done
Transition triggered: Complete_stops
This action will only show when the entire booking has been completed. For example, if there are 6 stops in one booking, it will not show 6 times of each individual stop that has been completed, but rather only once when the entire booking is complete.
Paid — force_end
Booking status: Paid
Transition triggered: Force_end
If this option is enabled, an admin or organization manager can force_end an ‘En_route’ booking for that driver as if it was completed. However this is only possible if pricing is not enabled. Reach out to [email protected] for more information.
Cancelled — cancel
Booking status: Cancelled
Transition triggered: Cancel
A User cancelled the booking. If the option ‘Driver can cancel a booking after arriving at the first stop’ is enabled, drivers can cancel an ongoing booking.
Note: Driver cancelling a booking (’Ditch’) is normally not possible after arriving at the first stop. Therefore only when this option is enabled, the cancel button will still be visible to the driver after arriving at the first stop, and the status changes to ‘Cancel’ instead of ‘Ditch’.
Pricing enabled
If payments are enabled, the Price matrix needs to be set up for each Service, Capability and Service area. Customers will see a price upon creating a booking.
Processing payment — process_payment
Booking status: Processing payment
Transition triggered: Process_payment
This is only relevant if pricing is enabled. After status complete_stops the booking goes through the status process_payment until the system gets the confirmation that the booking is ‘paid’. There is an option to make this process manual to differentiate between paid and not_yet_paid bookings, to mark them manually as paid or to connect this to your accounting tool.
For example, if Stripe & credit card payment are connected, the system waits for a confirmation from Stripe before the booking status gets changed to ‘paid’.
Paid — paid
Booking status: Paid
Transition triggered: Paid
This is only relevant if pricing is enabled. The booking is completed and paid by the customer.
Manual dispatch enabled
Having this enabled for instant or/ and scheduled bookings, all created bookings will land on ‘On Hold’ (to_be_dispatched
) status. In this state, bookings are fully editable and not visible to drivers until a dispatcher (admin) hits the Dispatch button to dispatch the booking (reach out to [email protected] to enable this dispatching mode).
On Hold — create
Booking status: On Hold
Transition triggered: Create
The booking created will be put ‘On Hold’ immediately instead of appearing in the upcoming schedule. The dispatcher (admin) needs to dispatch the booking manually to make visible to drivers, otherwise the booking status will not change when put on hold.
On Hold — reassign
Booking status: On Hold
Transition triggered: Reassign
This status happens after an admin ‘Suggest’ the booking to a preferred driver.
On Hold — revoke
Booking status: On Hold
Transition triggered: Revoke
When a dispatched booking is being put back on hold by the admin, it means that the dispatch action is withdrawn. Drivers will not be allowed to view the booking in the upcoming schedule anymore.
On Hold — undispatch_stops
Booking status: On Hold
Transition triggered: undispatch_stops
When an admin undispatches a dispatched customer booking. The driver tour gets cancelled and the customer booking gets back to ‘On Hold’ status.
Pickable bookings enabled
If pickable bookings are enabled, instant bookings are shown as pickable booking list to all drivers instead of using the auto-dispatch (showing bookings one by one) drivers can choose which bookings they want to pick. Similar to scheduled bookings, however pickable bookings can be started right away. This option can be only enabled together with Manual Dispatching for bookings.
Pickable — ready_to_pick
Booking status: Pickable
Transition triggered: Ready_to_pick
After creating an instant booking/ dispatching an ‘On Hold’ booking which scheduled_at time is set to now
or if a scheduled_at time of a scheduled booking expires, it switches to this status. The booking is now visible to all drivers or to the suggested driver(s).
En route — pick
Booking status: En route
Transition triggered: Pick
The driver has accepted the pickable booking and is on the way to the first stop.
Pickable — reassign
Booking status: Pickable
Transition triggered: Reassign
The reassign action is triggered by the admin by clicking on either ‘Assign’ or ‘Suggest’. With ‘Suggest’, the driver still needs to accept the booking in order for the status to change.
Scan to start enabled
Scan to start allows a ‘package_id’ to be put on a booking. While the booking is in the ‘On Hold’ (to_be_dispatched
) status, the ‘Scan to start’ button can be used in the Driver App to Scan a QR/ Bar Code attached to the particular ‘package_id’ and drivers can start the booking. The QR Code Generator can be used to test this (reach out to [email protected] to enable this dispatching mode).
En route — start_from_scan
Booking status: En route
Transition triggered: start_from_scan
A driver started a booking by scanning the package_id as Bar/ QR Code and has started the booking in the driver app.
Advanced dispatch enabled
Advanced Dispatch allows ‘Driver Tours’ to be created out of simple customer bookings. This can be helpful for executing huge pooling for the same or next day delivery using the Tour Builder, One-click Tour Builder or One-click Stack Bookings operation for q-commerce delivery (reach out to [email protected] to enable this dispatching mode).
Partially Dispatched — partially_dispatched
Booking status: Partially Dispatched
Transition triggered: Partially_dispatched
A customer booking (’On Hold’ status) got partially dispatched into a tour(s). The booking status is changed to ‘Dispatched’ after all of its stops have been dispatched into driver tours.
Dispatched — dispatch
Booking status: Dispatched
Transition triggered: Dispatch
A customer booking (’On Hold’ status) got fully dispatched into a driver tour. Dispatching into tours is only possible for customer bookings with the payment mode ‘Invoice’, or without any payment modes enabled.