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Pakete-Importeur: viele Pakete auf einmal erstellen aus einer CSV-Datei
Pakete-Importeur: viele Pakete auf einmal erstellen aus einer CSV-Datei
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The Package Importer allows you to create packages in bulk from a CSV file. To import packages, you must use our CSV template, which you can download directly from the importer page.

Working with CSV template

When defining a package destination, you can either provide the exact coordinates or at least one address component, such as a street name. It’s also allowed to enter the whole address into just one cell, for example, the whole address into the street name cell.

As long as a package destination is defined with coordinates or address components, the rest of the columns in the template can be omitted. If columns are deleted or values aren't provided, the corresponding package properties won't be used to create packages, or the default values will be used.

You can also add metadata to packages with CSV. Add a new column and name it following this template: "Metadata: key". For example: "Metadata: External ID". The metadata value for the package should be added to the corresponding cell.

Uploading CSV and creating packages

To create packages from CSV, navigate to Package Importer by clicking the Import button on the Packages page. After uploading the CSV file, the importer will show you a preview of imported packages. Select the Origin, pickup date, and payment method in the top bar and click Create packages.


If there were problems in uploading the CSV, for example, if the package destination address couldn't be located, the Importer will prompt you to fix the issues.

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