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This article explains how Dispatchers can assign one or multiple drivers to a tour:

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to the Operations tab.

  2. Locate the Tour and click on button "select drivers"

  3. You can select a Preferred Driver from the search bar, or filter by ‘Available’ and ‘In the booking's service area’ for a closer pick up and delivery proximity.

  4. Select a Driver who is currently Online and Available and click on Save.

  5. If drivers are all currently offline, you can select them anyhow and wait for them to be online and accept the tour.

Force assigning

  • Admins can force assign a dispatched tour to one driver. (’On Hold’ tours are not dispatched yet and therefore admins can only set a preferred driver on them and not force assign).

  • An tour in planning mode "instant" converts to "en route" as soon as driver if accepted it

  • A tour in mode "scheduled" tour gets ‘claimed’ by a driver after being assigned. The driver can then find the claimed tour in the Upcoming tab on the Driver app. However, the driver still needs to start it before it expires.

Suggest as Preferred driver

  • When adding a driver as a preferred driver, the tour will be visible only to this particular driver or a group of drivers if multiple ones are selected.

  • Multiple tours can be suggested to a driver who is offline. The driver will then receive the notifications and available tours to claim and start when they are online.

Dispatching tours to drivers


To dispatch a tours that are ‘On Hold’ to a particular driver, first select the driver and then click dispatch. If a tour is not suggested to a driver before it is being dispatched, the tour's status gets updated to 'Scheduled’ or 'Pickable' and it is then visible to all eligible drivers

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