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This article explains how to use the API to fetch an estimated time of arrival (ETA) from the ETA service for each stop of a booking. The fetched ETAs are ready to be shown in your customer app, on external tracking pages, or on a custom dashboard.


Best practices for fetching ETAs for a single booking

  • Subscribe to the hailing_booking.etas_recalculated webhook to receive an event every time an ETA is recalculated for a booking. Refer to ETA service page for more information on when ETAs are recalculated.

  • Use the #EstimateBookingStopsArrivals endpoint to fetch the latest ETA for stops of the booking. The ETAs are returned as fixed timestamps in UTC indicating when a driver is expected to arrive at each stop. Note that the ETAs aren’t recalculated each time the endpoint is called.

  • Refetch the ETAs once a webhook event is received for the booking.

Best practices for fetching ETAs for multiple bookings

  • Subscribe to the hailing_booking.etas_recalculated webhook to receive an event every time an ETA is recalculated for a booking. Refer to ETA service page for more information on when ETAs are recalculated.

  • Use the #ListBookings endpoint to fetch bookings for which you need to get ETAs.

  • Use the #EstimateBookingsStopsArrivals endpoint to fetch ETAs in bulk for stops of each booking. The ETAs are returned as fixed timestamps in UTC indicating when a driver is expected to arrive at each stop. Note that the ETAs aren’t recalculated each time the endpoint is called.

  • When a webhook event is received for one of the bookings you’re tracking, refetch the ETAs using the #EstimateBookingStopsArrivals endpoint.

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