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MotionTools Buchungen erstellen für bezahlte Bestellungen aus deinem Online Shop
MotionTools Buchungen erstellen für bezahlte Bestellungen aus deinem Online Shop
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This article explains in detail how you can set up the workflow in Zapier to connect MotionTools and your preferred e-commerce shop system, enabling the actions to read and parse data that gets sent as bookings into your MotionTools dashboard.

Step-by-step guide

In this guide we will use Shopify as an example shop system. Please note that the same steps can be applied to other e-commerce shop systems such as WooCommerce.

Step 1: event in Shopify

In the Shopify App, define the event that you to trigger booking creation in MotionTools. There are multiple options to choose from and in this example we use New Paid Order.


Step 2: Create 1-Stop/ 2-Stop Booking in MotionTools

Add the MotionTools app as the second step, select the account (see here: Setting up a MotionTools connection on Zapier) and action that you want to perform.

Then, map the properties from the Shopify order to the fields required by the MotionTools app. For a more detailed step-by-step guide on setting up this step, please read Step 4 of Import MotionTools bookings from a CSV file received via email. See example:


Finally, click Test action to send a test booking to MotionTools! If it all goes well, new MotionTools bookings will be created for each new paid order in Shopify.

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