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Routenmetriken auf Touren
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MotionTools estimates the route metrics — the total duration and total distance — for every tour. These metrics are available on the Dashboard and through the API on the booking details payload.

Metrics are updated on route changes, such as changes in stop order and the addition or removal of stops. The accuracy of metric estimates depends on the quality of service (QoS) level set for the tenant. For more information about QoS levels, please contact the Customer Support team.

Route metrics on the Dashboard

You can view the metrics on the Operations, Tours and Tour Details pages.


Metrics are shown on the booking card. If hidden, enable them in the Edit Rows dropdown.


List View

Metrics are shown in the Route metrics column. If the column is hidden, enable it in the Edit Columns dropdown.


Details page

Metrics are displayed under the Route section title.

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