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A Booking follows a defined, but configurable process which can be influenced by booking actions and leads to new booking statuses. There are three major types of bookings (instant, scheduled, pickable) that behave in different way with regards to how they are being manually or automatically matched with suitable Drivers and how bookings are displayed in the Driver app.

Which actions and statuses are supported depends on the configuration of a Tenant, the type of the booking as well as the scheduling configuration of the service area that a booking is created in. More about the booking statuses and transitioning events below.

Key features

Booking types

MotionTools supports multiple types of bookings, which behave differently in some aspects, especially when it comes to planning and matching the bookings to eligible drivers.

  • Pickable bookings

Pickable bookings are a type of booking that allow drivers to pick from a list of bookings and start them immediately. This is a great option for tenants that want to give drivers a lot of flexibility, or where it simply doesn't matter which drivers pick which bookings. The pickable bookings list can either be sorted by the scheduled_at time or by proximity to the driver's location.

  • Instant bookings

Instant bookings are distributed 'one by one', in the sense that a driver can only see one instant booking at a time and has to decide to accept or reject it before other bookings can be seen. The instant bookings are not shown to all drivers at once, but only shown to the driver initially who is closest to the first stop of the booking. If a driver doesn't respond to the booking, the next driver will be contacted automatically. When an instant booking gets accepted by a driver, it starts immediately and the driver needs to be en route to complete the booking.

  • Scheduled bookings

Scheduled bookings are the best option if the work is planned a few hours or maybe even a day in advance. This is a good option to give drivers clarity on what they should do and/ or allows the freedom of choice on when they will work. It also increases the chance that drivers will actually be around and take up the job.

Booking statuses

Booking is created

  • Pickable: A booking in 'Pickable' status will be matched with drivers who are in the service area, close to the pick-up location and a part of the organization assigned when booking is created. Bookings in this status that fulfil the criteria will be visible for drivers to claim.

  • Scheduled: The booking is scheduled to be completed later.

  • Looking for driver: The system is searching for a driver.

  • Assigning: The booking is assigned to a driver but has yet to be accepted.

  • To be dispatched: The booking is put on hold and not available for drivers to see from the driver app.

Booking is optimized

  • Partially dispatched: This indicates that a booking still contains undistributed stops.

  • Dispatched: The booking was previously in 'On Hold' status and is being released for drivers to claim.

Driver accepted

  • Upcoming booking: The booking is claimed by a driver and waiting for the trip to start. Bookings in this status will show up in the driver’s app under 'Upcoming'.

  • If booking type is “scheduled” (claimed): The booking is being accepted by a driver and waiting to start.

  • En route: The driver accepted an instant or pickable booking or started a scheduled booking and is currently en route to complete the booking.

Booking is completed

  • Done: The booking has been completed, however it does not necessarily mean that the payment is completed. For tenants that have invoicing enabled, completed payment will not be immediate.

  • Processing payment: The payment is processing and has not completely gone through.

  • Paid: The booking has been paid for.

Booking is cancelled

  • Cancelled booking: The booking has been cancelled by either the driver or Admin.

Booking transitions

When a booking moved from one state to another, it is called a transition. If you are working with the MotionTools API or subscribe to Webhooks, you will usually get some information on the available transition that a booking in a certain state currently has access to.

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