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Anzeigeoptionen für Buchungen - Kartenansicht
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This article explains how the Bookings – Map View can be tailored to your day-to-day operations using Display settings and the Lock map feature.

Display settings

Display on map

The 'Display on map' option allows users to choose how stops are shown, whether it be all stops, pickup stops, or drop-off stops only.


Display stops for

This option allows users to display all stops or only the stops of selected bookings.


Saved places

The Bookings – Map View allows users to view Saved Places on the map. When Saved Places are marked as a 'Hub,' they are represented on the map with a 'house' icon, while regular Saved Places are represented with a 'star' icon.


Display additional filters

By selecting the 'Display additional filters' option, users can apply more specific filters to bookings. This includes filtering bookings based on Stop Status, Capabilities, Saved Place, Customer, and Service, providing a more detailed level of control over the information displayed.



By switching between the 'Simple controls' and 'Advanced controls' in the Pages section, the total number of bookings can be viewed at the bottom of the screen.


Support for locking zoom level and position

By default, when a booking is selected, the map displays a connection between stops and adjusts the position and zoom level to fit the view to the selected bookings. However, if a user prefers not to adjust the map view, they can lock the map. When locked, the map won't automatically adjust the zoom level or map position when selecting bookings.

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