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Have the following prerequisites been met?
You have at least a free account on Postman.
You have created an Admin API Key on your MotionTools account.
Step 1: Prepare the CSV file
Duplicate this Google Sheet template and fill in all your bookings' data you want to bulk create.
Booking Information
The Service, which includes possible Capability options. If you don’t fill this out, we’ll take the default service
You can find the service_id by opening the Settings page of your tenant, clicking on the Booking services section, and the Service you need the ID from. Then, go to the search bar of your browser and copy the string of numbers at the end of the URL - this is the service ID.
The requested capabilities for a booking, e.g. the vehicle type
Please list each Capability key (e.g.
) and the selected option (e.g."bike_cargo"
) for the bookings you create. With our example the format should look like this:“vehicle_type”:”bike_cargo”
Make sure to separate each capability with a comma:
“vehicle_type”:”bike_cargo”, "delivery_driver": "yes"
If you want to find out which capability keys and values you have enabled, you can do so via the API. Read Show capability and List capability values in our API docs.
The Customer you attach to the booking
This can be a placeholder (same for all bookings) if you mention recipient data on each stop instead
You can find the customer ID by opening the Customer tab and copying the ID from the list. If you don't see the IDs in the list, open the Edit columns setting and check the checkbox for ID.
Start time of the booking
Make sure to use a time for bookings in the future (e.g.
) or usenow
for instant bookings, otherwise booking creation will fail
Here, you can enter additional information/booking instructions e.g. something like:
Please enter through the back door
The stops lat & lng should also be inside a Service area.
The Organization that is handling the booking
Enter the ID of an Organization like this:
{"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"}
You can find the organization ID by opening the Organizations tab of your tenant and clicking on the organization you need the ID from to open the organizations' details page. Then, go to the search bar of your browser and copy the string of numbers at the end of the URL - this is the organization ID.
The following explanations apply to the pickup and drop-off information you need to enter in the sheet. If a column is about the pickup it will have a prefix of pickup_ in the column name (e.g. pickup_location_name), if it's about the drop-off a prefix of dropoff_ (e.g. dropoff_location_name)
Location information
This is the information you need to enter about your pickup and drop-off location.
| Name of the location (e.g. |
| Latitude of the location (e.g. |
| Longitude of the location (e.g. |
| Street name of the location (e.g. |
| House number of the location (e.g. |
| Zip code of the location (e.g. |
| City of the location (e.g. |
| Country of the location (e.g. |
| For buildings, apartments, etc. (e.g. |
| Additional Information about the location (e.g. |
Contact details
This is the information you need to enter about the contact person at the pickup and drop-off location.
| First name of the contact person (e.g. |
| Last name of the contact person (e.g. |
| Phone number of the contact person (e.g. |
| Email address of the contact person (e.g. |
Stop information
| Time of the expected arrival at the stop (e.g. |
| Time of the expected depature from the stop (e.g. |
| Custom stops data like checklists visible in the MotionTools app. Learn more in our API Docs |
| Custom stops or bookings data visible on the Dashboard only and via API. Learn more in our API Docs |
Step 2: Prepare Postman
In the next step, open the Postman application and import the CSV file to create bookings in MotionTools.
Import this example Environment and replace the following credentials:
Import one of the following Collections (depending on your booking structure):
2-stop bookings
Drop-off, Return to hub: Bulk_create_2_stop_booking_dropoff_return.json
Pickup, Drop-off: Bulk_create_2_stop_booking_pickup_dropoff.json
1-stop bookings
Drop-off: Bulk_create_1_stop_booking_dropoff.json
Step 3: Run it in Postman
Make sure you select the Environment.
Click on Runner on the bottom right.
Hit Select File and open your CSV file.
The number of iterations are reflected as the columns of your CSV file. It will create a booking for each of them.
Drag the Collection into the Runner, then hit Run iterate CSV file to bulk create bookings.
If it gives you a 200 response, the booking creation was a success and you should find the bookings in your MotionTools dashboard!
If you need to add additional data to the payload you can find the full scope in our API Docs.