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WhatsApp Benachrichtigungen
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This article explains the benefits of using WhatsApp Notifications a channel for notifying recipients, customers or partners about status updates.

  • Benefit

  • Prerequisites

  • Setup



Introducing WhatsApp as notification channel could lift up the communication quality towards your recipients, customers or partners.

When does it make sense to use this feature?

  • If notifications towards your recipients, customers or partners have a big impact on your business, i.e. communicating the ETA with recipients increases the delivery success rate and therefore decreases the average cost per delivery.

  • If you already send out notifications i.e. via Email and want to increase the channels to also reach recipients that only provided a phone number.

  • If you search for a cheaper channel to send out messages to phone numbers compared to SMS.


  • Active subscription with MotionTools to use this feature

  • A business account at Meta (Facebook)


  • You need to have a Facebook Business Account ⇒ See How to create a facebook business portfolio

  • Go to my apps > Create a new app > Other > Business > name it i.e. “business_name Notifications” and connect it to your business, then hit “Create app”

    Whatsapp create app.png
  • Open the App, if you don’t find it go to My Apps

  • Go to WhatsApp API Setup and connect Whatsapp with your business

    Whatsapp link to portfolio.png
  • You’ll get a test number and temporary access token. For more info you can follow this guide

    Whatsapp App.png
  • Add a real phone number as sender phone.

    Whatsapp Add phone number.png
  • Add a payment method

  • Optional: You can add 1-5 test phone numbers that have Whatsapp so that you can test the service using one of the test numbers. These test messages send to these numbers don’t create any cost.

Granular Business Integration System User Access Tokens

  • On your App Dashboard > go to Whatsapp > Configuration

  • Create a permanent token

  • Share this token with our Customer Success Team in a protected way i.e. via Doppler.

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