A User is a known and authenticated person in MotionTools. A user authenticates using a unique email-address and a password. A user always belongs to a specific Tenant on the MotionTools Platform. A tenant is identified by a custom URL for users to browse to and a so called Company ID, which needs to be entered in the driver app before logging in. Typically each Operator has their own tenant and can have their own set of users, data and configurations.
Depending on the tenant as well as the role of a user, different features and data is available to the them. A user can only have one role at a time.
Supported user roles
MotionTools currently support the following user roles:
Admin - has access to all features and data and can change configurations and invite other users
Organization Manager - manages organizations, drivers, and sub-fleets
Customer - creates, manage and tracks the progress of bookings and packages
Driver - executes tours which can consist of multiple bookings and packages
Please note that a dispatcher, can either be using the role "Admin" or the role "Organization Manager". If a dispatcher should be able to oversee the complete operations of a business and should be able to manage customers and partners, they should have the admin role. If a dispatcher should only manage one of the service areas and only some of the driver workforce, then the org manager is sufficient and the better choice.
Basic features such as signing up, logging in, profile editing are available to all user roles. Any user account can also be blocked or anonymized.
Planned features
We plan to introduce "custom permissions", which will allow to basically create sub-roles of the ones mentioned above with basically less permissions. This could be a warehouse worker, that would only be able to use the package scanner in the driver app, but not actually execute tours or an admin that acts more as a lead dispatcher so can only manage operations but not change any configurations.