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Typical booking information
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 months ago

This article provides details about the information in a typical booking and the various booking attributes you can add to stops in the booking.


Booking level information

  • Scheduling time: The scheduled_at timestamp is used to indicate when a booking is expected to be started. This timestamp would usually also represent the start of the timeslot earliest_arrival_time of the first stop, in case timeslots are relevant. Check out our dedicated Timeslot management article in case you offer customers to define timeslots. This attribute can also be set to now in case the booking should be done asap.

  • Additional information: This field allows you to add additional details such as an order_id and special instructions for the booking, which the Driver sees directly in the MotionTools Driver app. MotionTools also supports customizing additional information in the form of text, links, pop-up and checklist via custom content. For more details, refer to our article Custom content.

Stop level information

The number of stops that will be on a booking and how they are created will depend on the type of service that is relevant to your business.

A typical booking for delivery service usually contains 2 stops. The first would be a pickup stop and the second a drop-off stop. The following example showcases this kind of booking. But keep in mind, MotionTools supports pretty much any type of structure and for many use cases a 1-stop booking or even a multi-stop booking could be the better structure. You can learn more about how to configure different structures in our article about Services.

Details on a typical 2-stop booking

First stop: pickup stop

The first stop could be a pickup at a warehouse / hub where drivers go to and pickup the items needed for the customer. In some use cases, the first stop could also be a pickup at a customer’s place and then drop-off at another customer’s place as the second stop.

Second stop: drop-off stop

The second stop represents the task for the driver to drop-off items at the customer’s requested location.

Dashboard experience

Map view

This is how a booking is represented as a 'card' on the booking map view. Which exact information is visible on this card is fully customizable by using the display options.


List view

The same data can also be looked at using the 'list view'. A dispatcher can switch to the list view with "View as list".

Bildschirm­foto 2024-03-06 um 17.24.21.png
Bildschirm­foto 2024-03-06 um 17.26.47.png

Details view

By clicking on 'Details' a user can view even more details of the booking like stops custom content, assigned organization, public tracking link or past Booking statuses and transitions. In this view user can also edit the Booking and Stop details after creation. What exactly they can edit depends on their role.

Bookings details page3.png

Driver experience

This is how it looks to drivers when using the ‘pickable bookings’ option on how to show bookings to drivers. Learn more about the different options on how to match and assign bookings to drivers here.

Customization options

Adding metadata

Metadata is useful for saving internal information to a booking. It is especially useful when building custom integrations but also helps to easily discover bookings in the dashboard as all data saved as metadata on a booking is highly visible and searchable via the Dashboard.

booking metadata.png

Adding custom content

Besides standard stop-level attributes (refer to Hailing booking stops for details), we recommend using Custom content to include special instructions or a URL that links to a list of items to pick up. Custom content is highly adjustable and is visible to drivers during the active stop and on the booking’s details page.

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