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Create a booking via the Webbooker
Create a booking via the Webbooker
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 months ago


This article explains how to create a booking on MotionTools as a Customer and as an Admin.

Step-by-step guide

Use the Webbooker as a customer user directly or as an admin user and create bookings on behalf of a customer. To keep things simple, we will demo the usage of the web booker as an admin user.

  1. Go to the Bookings page on the Webbooker.

  2. Hit the + New button.

  3. Only as admin: Search and select a customer account.

  4. Define the first stop and potentially a second stop.

  5. Choose from the available booking attributes such as the vehicle type, or if available, the type of service. The availability of attributes of a booking would depend on the configuration of the ‘Capabilites’ feature. Learn more about this here.

  6. Define the start time of your booking. If a booking needs to be completed as soon as possible, we recommend the Now option. To schedule bookings for the future, select Schedule pickup. Read Set up your scheduling configuration for more details about scheduling modes.

  7. Hit Book.


Optional data

Stop contact details

The stop contact details will be visible in the Driver app and the driver can call or send text messages to the stop recipient. This information can be the same as the Customer’s or a different contact. Read here for more information.

Additional information on stop level

Fill in additional information about the stop and this information will also be visible in the MotionTools app. Read here for more information.

Additional information on booking level

Fill in additional information about the booking and this information will also be visible in the MotionTools app.

Payment methods

If pricing and payment method is enabled you can select a payment method. If invoice address is enabled you can optionally fill in an invoice address.


This field allows you to add Metadata such as external order ID on each stop when creating a booking via the Webbooker. This feature is not available on the dashboard by default. Please reach out to our Customer Success team if you’d like to learn more about this feature.

Add Metadata on Stop level

  1. Go to Bookings.

  2. Click on + New to open the Webbooker.

  3. Enter an address for the first stop and expand the ‘Metadata’ field.

  4. Attach the information as metadata to be added to that stop.


Add Metadata on Booking level

  1. Add other stops to the booking if needed, select a Capability and a pickup time.

  2. Scroll down the Webbooker and expand the ‘Metadata’ field below ‘Extra details’.

  3. Add metadata to the booking.


Upcoming improvements

  • Ability to add Custom content (e.g. checklist, link, pop-up or text item) on stops via the Webbooker

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