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Release Notes January 2024
Release Notes January 2024
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 months ago

Feature highlight: Preferred Drivers popover



We have started the year with updates enhancing the dispatching experience. The most significant improvements have been made to the Preferred Drivers popover. It now includes quick actions for immediate dispatch and force assignment of a tour. Additionally, dispatchers can now assign a tour to an entire organization, ensuring that only drivers from that specific organization can view and accept the tour.


These improvements reduce the time and effort needed to assign tours and make the process more user-friendly. Changes also highlight the managing organization feature, which wasn’t accessible from the Dashboard before.


The next major update to the dispatching experience will be all about the Quick Edit feature. In a few weeks, the revamped Quick Edit will allow dispatchers to add hubs to the route, manage packages at stops, and deduplicate stops. Watch out for the updates!

More features and updates

Delivering packages using tours

As mentioned in a recent update, this month we're releasing the updated package dispatching experience. If you want to track the actual, physical goods in MotionTools, you can start creating packages and attaching them to tours. Contact our Customer Success team if you're interested in testing out the Packages feature.

Stops deduplication

We're rolling out a new route optimization feature – stop deduplication. If a tour route has stops with the same type and address, the feature will remove these duplicate stops. Note the restriction: the stops must not have parents, i.e., they shouldn't be coming from bookings. The feature is currently available via API and will be added to the Quick Edit feature soon. Learn more about the feature in the Help Center.

Fixed date range on the Operations page

We're releasing the updated Operations page where the date picker, which allows a dispatcher to select today or any future date, is removed, and the filter logic is reversed. The page now only displays past and scheduled for today and tomorrow tours. This change allows admins to view all uncompleted tours to ensure they are taken care of, even if delayed, as well as plan operations for the day ahead.

Filtering by managing organizations

To complement the managing organization feature mentioned in the feature highlight section, we introduced a new filter to allow dispatchers to find bookings and tours managed by a specific organization. You can find and enable a new filter in the settings of the Bookings, Tours, and Operations pages.

New rules for Stop Groups and Single-step stop completion features

In order to ensure that important is visible to data to drivers, we have adjusted the rules around stop grouping. Learn more about this in the corresponding Help Center articles: Stops groups and Full and Single-step stop completion flows.

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