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Release Notes January 2023
Release Notes January 2023
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Our team has been working to bring you new features and product enhancements and we would love to present them to you with this update!

Feature highlight: Introducing Quick edit for tours

With as little actions as possible, dispatchers can quickly update the route of On Hold and En Route tours by taking out stops or changing the order of stops. If the tour is active, the driver will be notified of the route change and updates. Learn more about Updating a tour with Quick edit.


Building your business

  • Simplified API for booking creation: Creating bookings via API is now significantly simplified. You can omit values for the following fields โ€” customer_id, scheduled_at, version and capabilities. Our system will automatically detect and fill the previously mentioned fields with values that make most sense for your use-case. Additionally, it is not required anymore to send the geolocation (lat/ longs) for the location of a stop anymore. It is still recommended to do this, but in case you simply donโ€™t have these values, you can let MotionTools handle the geocoding for you.

  • Enhanced scheduling options for the Bookings importer: Besides scheduled bookings, the CSV Bookings importer is now improved to support instant bookings as well.

Planning & monitoring your operations

  • Operations page for dispatchers: The Dashboard now offers a special, workflow-oriented page called Operations that allows dispatchers to focus on operations in one service area at a time โ€” such as monitoring incoming bookings, performing dispatching tasks, and monitoring bookings execution. This new view has a heavily compromised view on each booking which allows for up to 100 bookings to be viewed at once without switching between pages. The feature is currently in beta stage and can be enabled on request. We expect the Operations page to make things faster and simpler for your dispatchers and admins. Learn more about the Operations page for dispatchers.

Getting the job done

  • Proof of completion: The note, signature and photo proofs can be configured to make one option or a combination of options mandatory or optional, depending on your business needs. All the possible combinations among the 3 options are supported. Learn more about Proof of completion.

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