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Release Notes August 2023
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Feature highlight: Stop editing



Admins and customers can now update the address, contact details, and arrival time of a stop right from the Booking Details page. This editing feature is supported for both bookings and tours in various states, and any changes made will be automatically synchronized between them. Learn more about new editing capabilities in the Help Center.


This editing feature allows making last-minute route changes. However, customers won’t be able to update a stop if the booking has already been dispatched to a tour or taken by a driver. This is to ensure that a customer can’t accidentally ruin the optimized route planned by a dispatcher.


Soon, all other stop attributes, including those that were previously impossible to modify via the dashboard (such as priority level or geofencing settings), will become editable directly from the Booking Details page.

Partners for a world in motion.

This month: Spryker


We are excited to be part of the Spryker partner "herd" this month and to welcome Spryker to our partner network for eCommerce logistics.

With the same aim of supporting companies with complex business models, Spryker has developed eCommerce software under the same technology beliefs as our logistics software, making them a true efficiency driver for their customers.

Like MotionTools, Spryker has invested heavily in an API-first model and enables customers to combine the benefits of standard SaaS (low costs, speed, scalability) with the advantages of extreme flexibility of individually created software.

Learn more about Spryker here and contact us if you want to integrate Spryker into your software stack.

More features and updates

Route metrics of bookings and tours

When creating a booking or a tour, MotionTools now estimates route metrics: the total duration and total distance. These estimates are updated on every route change, for example, when a new stop is added or removed. Estimates are shown on the Bookings and Operations pages as well as on the Booking Details page and via API on the booking details payload. The accuracy of estimates depends on the quality of service (QoS) level set for your tenant. For more information about QoS levels, get in touch with the Customer Support team. Learn more about the route metrics feature in our Help Center.

Editing tours in more statuses

We’ve expanded the range of statuses that the Quick Edit feature supports. In addition to the previously allowed En Route and On Hold statuses, tours can now be edited in the Pickable, Scheduled, Looking for Drivers, Assigning, and Claimed statuses. Learn more about the Quick Edit feature in our Help Center.

Recovering a failed stop by moving it into the existing tour

Previously, a failed stop could only be recovered by dispatching the stop into a new tour. Now, it’s possible to insert the failed stop into the existing tour. This can be done directly through the API or with existing one-click merge actions on the dashboard. Learn more about Failed stops in our Help Center.

Merging bookings with custom stops

Until recently, the platform didn’t support merging tours if one of them had a custom stop - a stop without a parent booking. We’ve lifted this restriction, so tours with custom stops can now be merged smoothly through the API or with one-click merge options on the dashboard. Learn more about the merge options in our Help Center.

Merging package drop-off tours in one click (Packages Extension)

MotionTools now allows the merging of drop-off tours that start from the same pickup location if they’re in the On Hold status. To merge tours, select the drop-off tours and choose the corresponding option from the list of available merging options. Learn more about Merging drop-off tours in our Help Center article.

Beta: Recurring bookings

We’ve released a beta version of the recurring bookings feature. You can set up a booking to be recreated every day, every week, every weekday, every month on a specific date or day of the week, or every year. Learn more about the Recurring bookings feature in our Help Center.

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