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BETA: Recurring Bookings
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 months ago


The Recurring Bookings feature helps operators manage their daily business by reducing the effort required to create the same booking for multiple days in the future.

Availability and permissions

The Recurring Bookings feature is currently in beta. To enable it on your account, please contact our Customer Success team. Once enabled, the feature is available to Admins only.

Supported repeat options

Every day

A booking will be repeated every day.

Every weekday

A booking will be repeated every workday, with Saturdays and Sundays excluded.

Every week

A booking will be repeated weekly on the same day of the week, for example, every Tuesday. The day of the week will be derived from the chosen scheduled date.

Every month on a date

A booking will be repeated every month on the same date, for example, the 15th day of every month. The day is derived from the chosen scheduled date.

Every month on a day

A booking will be repeated on the same day, for example, every 2nd Tuesday of a month. The day is derived from the chosen scheduled date.

Every year

A booking will be repeated on the exact same date in the following year.

How to create a recurring booking

  1. Log in as an Admin and open the Webbooker.

  2. Scroll down to the "Pickup time" section and select the “Schedule at” option.

  3. In the Recurrence rules, select the desired repeat frequency, for example, "Every day".

    Recurring-Every day no end.png
  4. Change “End: Never” to “End: After” if the recurrence should end after a certain number of times.

  5. Click “Create booking”.

Recurring bookings with an end

If you select “End: After” X times, future bookings will be created right after booking creation.

Recurring-Every day with end.png

Set the date filter on the Operations page to view bookings in the feature.

Recurring-Find Bookings.png

In the example above, we created a booking that should be repeated daily 5 times. After creation, we found 4 additional bookings scheduled for the future.

Recurring bookings with no end

If you select "End: Never," new bookings won’t be created immediately after booking creation. Instead, our daily runner will check at 3 AM each day to see if there are any recurring bookings scheduled for the following day and then create them.

Recurring-Find Booking with no end.png

In the example above, a recurring booking was created with the setting "Repeat: monthly on a day" and with no end date. The scheduled date was chosen as 08.08.2023, which is the 2nd Tuesday of the month. The daily runner will find this booking and as long as it's not cancelled, it will create a recurring booking for the 2nd Tuesday of the next month, which is 12.09.2023.

How to identify recurring bookings

Once created, we’ll flag the recurrence rules on the bookings metadata. If you don’t see any metadata, you may need to enable it via “Edit rows”.

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