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Release Notes June 2022 - CW25
Release Notes June 2022 - CW25
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Our team has been working to bring you new features and product enhancements and we would love to present them to you with this update!

πŸ–₯️ Dashboard

  • [Booking management]: Admins & Organization managers can now re-assign active bookings to a different driver.

  • [Bug fix: Login]: Fixed an issue that prevented some customer accounts from logging in.

πŸ“±Driver app

  • [Proof of delivery]: Specific proof types can now be marked as mandatory.

  • [Proof of delivery]: Existing images can now be disabled for image proofs to force a driver to make a new photo.

  • [Contact options]: A new configuration is now supported, which disables the ability to send an SMS to a stop contact person.

πŸ“¦ Packages

  • [Creating packages]: After successfully creating new packages the Packages Webbooker now shows a loading bar that displays the progress on generating the associated shipping labels.

  • [Viewing packages]: Admins can now see in the profile section of a customer account all the packages associated with that customer account.

πŸ‘οΈβ€πŸ—¨οΈ Platform

  • [Metadata]: Admins can now CRUD Metadata on Service areas & zones.

  • [Route optimization]: The route optimization feature set was extended and improved. It now provides details such as total route duration & distance, as well as drive time & distance between consecutive stops and arrival time per stop. Furthermore the stay duration per stop can now be specified for more accurate ETAs.

Explore the API documentation for more resources. That's not all β€” we have more features to come that will improve how you and your customers use the MotionTools platform every day.

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