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Release Notes May 2022
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 months ago

Our team has been working to bring you new features and product enhancements and we would love to present them to you with this update!

πŸ–₯️ Dashboard

  • [Custom web dashboard domain]: Old naming schema will be replaced with for custom domains hosted under MotionTools. Existing custom domains will be reachable under the new domain. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you require support.

πŸ”€ Dispatcher

  • [Introduction of zones]: This new feature allows you to define zones, which are defining geographical areas inside or outside of your service areas. In the next weeks, we will roll out a series of features such as automatic zone tagging of hailing bookings and packages as well as new filter capabilities. With zones, you will be able to build all kind of rules and automations. Feel free to ping us for some best practices and more information on this feature set.

  • [New 1-click-stacking algorithms]: We have introduced new algorithms for the 1-click-stacking feature on the dashboard. The algorithms can be activated by your Customer Success Manager and bring support for different booking structures (1-stop booking, 2-stop-bookings etc.) as well as optimize for different goals (shortest distance, FIFO, respecting timeslots and so on). Talk to us, if you want to learn more or evaluate if you are currently using the right algorithm for your business case.

πŸ“±Driver app

  • [Auto retries on location update]: Our driver apps are now automatically retrying to send a location update, in case it failed due to connectivity issues.

  • [Support for blocked accounts]: The app is now showing a user-friendly error message, if blocked users are trying to login.

  • [Driver app rebranded]: Driver apps are now released under "MotionTools" in the App Store and Google Play Store. Please remind new drivers to search for our new brand name when downloading the driver app.

πŸ“¦ Packages

  • [Hub to hub support]: You can now easily send packages from one hub to another. You can do this either via the dashboard manually or via the API programmatically.

  • [Create multiple packages at once]: We introduced a quantity attribute on the Package Webbooker to allow customers to easily create many packages at once with the exact same destination data.

πŸ‘οΈβ€πŸ—¨οΈ Platform

  • [Deprecation warning]: The current domains of our API and will be deprecated by 1 June 2022. Please modify your existing integrations and convert to the new API domains: and

  • [New Help Center URL]: We are updating our Help Center URL to be in line with our new brand:

  • [SSO Support]: If you want to manage the identities of your user base in a third-party platform such as auth0, now you can. Please talk to our support if you are interested.

  • [API-first geocoding support]: While our apps and dashboards automatically geocode for you on the API-level, you had to provide this until now. As of now, you can create hailing bookings as well as packages via API without needing to provide any lat/longs. We support Google Maps as well as HERE Maps geocoding out-of-the-box.

Explore the API documentation for more resources. That's not all β€” we have more features to come that will improve how you and your customers use the MotionTools platform every day.

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