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Release Notes May 2022
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Our team has been working to bring you new features and product enhancements again and we would love to present them to you with this update!

🖥️ Dashboard

  • [Email Verification]: Improved UX when verifying email by mentioning the recipient’s email address, a hint about checking the spam folder and by allowing recipients to cancel the existing email verification process and sign-up with another email instead.

  • [Homepage button]: Tenants that have a homepage, will see a dedicated Home link in the navigation bar for logged-in dashboard users.

  • [Bugfix]: The bookings list no longer jumps after interacting with a booking.

  • [Bugfix]: Displayed drivers no longer ignore the selected service area for admins.

📱Driver app

  • [iOS 12 deprecation]: Starting with this release the minimum supported iOS version is iOS 13, as we have dropped support for iOS 12.

  • [Android 5, 6 deprecation]: Starting with this release the minimum supported Android version is Android 7, as we have dropped support for Android 5 & Android 6.

📦 Packages

  • [Label printing]: Besides the already supported 99x67mm format (up to 8 labels/DIN A4 paper), we now additionally support 100x150 mm labels. 100x150 mm labels can be printed up to 2/DIN A4 paper, or 1/thermal roll sticker.

  • [Label update]: The recipient’s phone number is now printed on the package label.

  • [Infinite scroll]: The package dispatcher now supports infinite scrolling of existing driver tours.

  • [Packages Webbooker - Saved package destinations]: Package destinations can now be saved for later usage. The location search field displayed when creating a package now also highlights previously saved destinations as auto-complete suggestions.

  • [Packages Webbooker - Package origin pre-fill]: The origin for a new package will be pre-filled with the origin used to create the previous package.

👁️‍🗨️ Platform

  • [Deprecation warning]: The current domains of our API and will be deprecated by 1 June 2022. Please modify your existing integrations and convert to the new API domains: and If you are using our standard dashboard URLs, please take note that we now only support the new format of and

  • [Webhooks]: Webhooks now have a timeout of 10 seconds. This will be further reduced to 5 seconds in the near future.

Explore the API documentation for more resources. That's not all — we have more features to come that will improve how you and your customers use the MotionTools platform every day.

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