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Failing a stop
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 months ago


In this article you’ll learn how to fail a stop on a Booking or a Tour. The failing stop feature helps user to fail stops and deal with those by re-dispatching them. This also helps to improve the data quality in relation to whether a task associated to a stop was completed successfully.


Use cases

What are examples of when this feature can be used?

When the driver arrives at the stop, but

  • Item isn’t available for pickup.

  • Item is damaged and can’t be dropped off, or be received by the recipient.

  • Driver doesn’t have the right tools to execute the task.

  • Driver doesn’t have the item to be dropped off at the recipient’s.

  • Driver is on the way to the stop but the booking gets cancelled before driver arrives. The stop can be marked as failed and handled according to the business’ terms and conditions, such as collecting booking fees from the customer if cancellation isn’t allowed.


  • Admins and Org managers: Enabled by default.

  • Drivers: Please reach out to our Customer Success team to request this feature for drivers.

How to fail a stop

This feature is only supported for the current stop of En Route Bookings and Tours. There are multiple roles that can use this but generally its either for dispatchers (which can be admins or org managers) and drivers. We will now show the usage of the feature depending on the role.

Failing stops as a Dispatcher

Both roles, admins and org managers, can be used as a dispatcher. The feature of failing a stop works the same for both of them. However, admins will be able to see all data, while org managers can only see data from the bookings and tours that were assigned to the organizations they manage.

  1. Find the booking and click into the Booking Details page.

  2. Locate the stop to fail, click on the three dots and select "Fail stop" or "Fail stop and remove all parent booking stops". 2nd option makes sense i.e. if a Drop-off cannot be done because the pickup failed.

Fail a stop as dispatcher.gif

Failing stops as a Drivers

  1. Go online the MotionTools app and start a booking.

  2. You’ll notice an icon in red next to the ‘Slide when arrived’ slider. Click on the icon, and you’ll be prompted to confirm the action.

  3. Hit the Confirm button.

Impact on booking & tour statuses

If some stops of a booking are failed, the booking will land in the 'Partially dispatched' state.


If all stops of a booking are failed, the booking will land in the “On Hold” state regardless of your default dispatching configuration.


How to filter for bookings & tours with failed stops

Admins and Org managers can filter only bookings that contain Failed stops.

  1. Make sure that the ‘Stop status filter’ is enabled. You can find this in the Display options of your dashboard.

  2. Click on the Stop statuses filter and select ‘Failed’.

  3. Click on the 'All bookings' filter and select 'Customer bookings' and all customer bookings that contain failed stops will be shown.


How to recover failed stops

Only Admins and Org managers have the ability to recover failed stops. There are 3 ways to do so:

Merge with other bookings to create a new tour

    1. Select the “Partially dispatched” booking containing failed stops and another booking that is in the “On Hold” status.

    2. Click on the Split button in the Tour builder feature.

    3. Select Merge bookings to launch the Merger preview.

    4. Hit Create tour.


Create a new tour from the booking containing failed stops

    1. Click on the 3 dots at the bottom right of the booking card.

    2. Click Create tour to launch the Merger preview.

    3. Click Create tour.


Merge a booking containing failed stops with an existing tour

Use the "Instant merge into On Hold tour", "Instant merge as next stops of En Route tour" or "Instant merge to the end of En Route tour" option to merge a booking containing failed stops with an existing tour. Learn more about Instant merge options in the article.


Can I fail more than 1 stop in a booking?

  • Yes, users are allowed to partially fail stops or fail all stops of a booking.

Can I create a tour that contains just 1 failed stop?

  • This is dependent on the minimum number of stops configured on your account. If you have set this minimum to 2, you’re not allowed to create a tour that contains a single failed stop. You can either adjust this number or merge the single failed stop with another booking. Check your configuration via Settings > Services > Stops > Minimum number of stops.

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