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Custom content can be attached to stops to show very custom items to drivers in their active tour in the Driver app such as links, checklists, ID's or even a popup to remind them when executing the stop.


When to use custom content

Custom content provides the option to add additional information to the tour, which facilitates communication of important information to Driver in the Driver app.

This could be the Order ID, further notes or adding a specific checklist for the driver to confirm at stop arrival. For attaching ID's that should not be visible to drivers, please use Metadata instead.

custom content area.png

Custom Content types

Note (text)

  • Simple title and description

Custom content - note.png

Link (link)

  • Clickable item with a title and description

Custom content - link.png

Checklist (checklist)

  • Array of items that need to get checked before completing the stop, if set as mandatory. If a scannable value is given the app also allows to launch a scanner. More details in scan code support article.

Custom content - checklist.png

Popup (popup)

  • Popup with title and description that pops up when arriving at the stop.

Custom content - popup.png

Availability and permissions

  • Only admins can add custom content.

  • Visible to all users.

  • Permitted on all stop statuses besides arrived, cancelled or done.

Adding custom content

On the Dashboard

To add a new custom content on a stop, open the Details page of a created Booking or Tour, then click on the three dots on a stop, and select Add custom content.

Add custom content.png


You can attach custom content right at booking creation, see API docs.

Editing custom content

To edit existing custom content click on the edit button next to the specific content.

Edit custom content.png

Editing via API

Use the "Update Content" endpoint to perform editing via the API. Learn more about the endpoint in the API documentation. To see the details, expand stop and content under Request Body Schema.


Known restrictions

  • A booking with custom content can only be created via API, or added after creation via the Details page.

  • The maximum number of custom content items on a stop is 10.

  • The maximum number of checklist items is 50.

  • The maximum length of names and values is 280 characters.

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