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Custom Content: Unterstützung für Code-Scanning
Custom Content: Unterstützung für Code-Scanning
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Drivers can scan labels (QR codes or Barcodes) to easily confirm that items belong to the current stop.

This feature can be utilized to improve the driver experience and reduce mistakes when picking items to be picked up or dropped-off. Scanning labels can be faster than manually comparing the recipient name, address or order ID.

How does this feature work?

This feature is an extension to the Custom content checklist item and allows to check an item on a checklist by scanning a label (QR code or Barcode). When creating such checklist, an additional attribute named scannable_value needs to be added to each checklist item. If this attribute is set on a checklist, the mobile app will automatically show the option to launch the scanner. The scanner will then check the scanned value against the value that is provided on the items and complete the checklist. Currently, this feature is is API-first, meaning that it is possible to add such attributes when the booking is created via API.


  • A QR code or barcode has been generated and attached to the item.

  • You have a stop in your booking that represents the location or locations on which you want to scan the packages. This can be either on the pickup or the drop-off or both.

Step-by-step guide

  1. In your booking payload, include the value (string, up to 128 characters) under the scannable_value attribute.

    • Refer to #CreateHailingBooking API docs

    • Expand ‘booking’ > Expand ‘stops’ > Expand ‘content’ > Select ‘Checklist Content’ > Expand ‘items’

  2. Accept the booking in the MotionTools app.

  3. Start the booking in the app, scroll to the Custom content checklist item and click Launch scanner.

  4. Point the scanner at the label of the items that need to scanned

    • If successful, the app displays the standard checkmark next to the item

    • If unsuccessful, the app displays a red indicator on the scanner

  5. See how the checklist will be automatically checked ones all scannable items have been scanned successfully.

How it looks like in the MotionTools app

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