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Stopp-Abschluss-Flow "Voll" und "Einzelner Step"
Stopp-Abschluss-Flow "Voll" und "Einzelner Step"
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The Stop flows feature is designed to streamline the process of completing stops for drivers. When a stop uses the Single-step flow, the stop is automatically completed once the driver confirms their arrival. A stop with the Full flow remains in the Arrived state until a driver confirms the completion of the stop.

Setting the flow type

By default, all stops are set to use the Full flow. You can change the flow type on the Details page by clicking the 3-dot icon on a stop and opening the Stop properties.

Bookings Details - Stop properties.png


The Single-step flow won't be applied to a stop even if it's requested when:

- There is custom content on the stop
- There are packages on the stop
- Proofs of completion are enabled on the stop

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