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Saved Places
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Written by Support
Updated over a month ago


This article explains what Saved places are and how to create them via the Dashboard and/ or the Webbooker. This feature allows Admins and Customers to create and save an address for future use, which shows up as a suggested location and pre-fills information when adding a stop.


What are Saved places used for?

Creating bookings

We allow creating a stop from a Saved place, regardless of a Hub. When creating bookings in the Webbooker, Saved places will appear as a suggestion when adding a stop. When creating a booking via API, a stop can be created by mentioning the place_id of a validated Saved place instead of an address.

Filtering bookings

Saved places help in filtering for bookings in the dashboard. The Saved places filter currently only supports filtering for Places that are saved on the Admin level, but not for Places that are saved on the Customer level.


The Saved places filter can be enabled via the Display settings in the dashboard.


Creating packages

When importing Packages, an Admin can make use of the account’s Saved places (’Own Hubs’) to create packages at the hub/ warehouse to plan for drop-off tours directly. See: Bulk create packages with a CSV file via the Packages importer. Customer-Saved places can also be used to create packages which will land in the ‘Created’ status. Learn more about Package statuses here.


Automatic planning for Package tours

The account’s Saved places (marked as hub) will be used to identify which packages will be considered for automatic tour planning. For more information about this feature, please read Automatic planning for Package tours.


Auto-merging into tours

The Auto-merger feature is designed to increase driver force utilization by building optimized tours from incoming bookings. The Auto-merger works per Saved Place: it merges bookings that start from the same location.

Creating Saved places

In the Settings page

  1. Go to the Settings page in the dashboard.

  2. Click on Saved places from the side menu in the Settings page.

  3. Click on Add new place to add a single address as a Saved place. Alternatively, you can import multiple addresses with a CSV file via the Import places button.

In the Webbooker

A frequent location (not a Hub) can also be saved directly from the Webbooker. When creating a booking, provide the location name on the stop and put a checkmark on ‘Save this location for future reuse’.

Note: The new location will be saved upon booking creation.


Managing Saved places

Saved places are managed on 2 levels: On the account (Admin) level and on the Customer level. Customers can create and manage Saved places only in their profile, whereas Admins can create and manage Saved places on both the Customer’s profile, as well as on the account level.


Customers that have Saved places in their profile can easily pre-fill a stop’s details when creating a booking. Admins who are creating bookings on a customer’s behalf, can choose to use the Customer’s saved place and/ or the Saved place in the account.


Under what circumstances should I be marking a place as a ‘Hub’?

  • Marking a place as a ‘Hub’ allows Admins to create and/ or import packages directly at the their warehouse. This means that these packages would only need to be planned for drop-off tours, as opposed to planning the pickup tour if they were created at Customer’s places.

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