Dispatching is the activity of dealing with all incoming bookings, planning them into tours, and handing them over to drivers as well as re-planning tours as part of the ongoing operations.
The Dispatching tools are a set of core features of MotionTools that allow operators to manipulate Bookings, create Tours, and assign them to Organizations or Drivers. All of these features can be used either via API or from within the Dashboard. Several features are turned off by default, please contact [email protected] if you are interested in using them.
Booking manipulation
The Dispatcher not only lets an Admin create Bookings on behalf of a Customer, but also gives various features to edit the booking itself or its status. Admins can e.g. cancel a booking, change certain details, override the standard price (if pricing is enabled), and end the booking on behalf of a driver in case a driver didn't finish it properly in the Driver app.
Tour building
MotionTools support various features like Instant-merge and Merge with preview for Bookings into optimized routes and thus, tours. The goal is always to create more efficiency in the logistics operations. If you want to learn more about this, please read Introduction to tour building.
Tour assigning
Admins can use the Dispatcher to assign Tours to relevant drivers. There are various options like setting one or multiple drivers as Preferred drivers and therefore limiting the visibility. tours can also be force-assigned and re-assigned to one driver. Dispatcher can also put Tours on hold or release them to all eligible drivers.