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Intro to manual assigning
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 months ago


This article explains how bookings are assigned to drivers via the dashboard, manually. If you are interested in automatic assigning, please read Introduction to auto-assigning features. If you want to learn how to assign to an organization, please read Managing organizations.

Setting preferred drivers

The visibility towards drivers for bookings and tours can be adjusted by setting one or multiple preferred drivers. This is possible via the dashboard where the dispatcher selects driver(s) manually or automatically via our API, based on your own set of rules.


Force assigning a driver

If you want to assign a booking or tour to a specific driver and leave them "no choice", you can choose to force assign.

Depending on the scheduling mode (instant or scheduled), the booking our tour will

a) force claimed => driver will be marked as the assigned driver => status "accepted"

b) force start => driver will be pushed into the "en route" state and the app will directly navigate them to the first stop


If you have further questions about how to utilize MotionTools to make your dispatchers more efficient, please reach out to us at [email protected].

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