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Release Notes April 2022 - CW14
Release Notes April 2022 - CW14
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The product and engineering teams at M-TRIBES keep working to bring you new features and product enhancements. Check out what's been released this week! In case you haven’t heard - we are changing our name to MotionTools! Read more about it on our blog.

🖥️ Dashboard

  • Added option for Admins to include user profile data (first name, last name, etc) in the Custom Screens JWT token.

  • Added support for updating push notifications title independently from the body and vice versa.

  • Fixed: Active date range filter for bookings not being respected by incoming bookings.

📱Driver app

  • We now display a user-friendly message if a masked phone can't be provided.

  • Android only: Improved Bluetooth permission handling on Android 12.

  • Reminder: We finalized our initial version of turn-by-turn in-app-navigation. Drivers now don't need to leave the driver app anymore to get a fully fledged turn by turn navigation experienced powered by Google. Let us know if you want to try it out.

👁️‍🗨️ Platform

  • Requesting more than 100 results (limit url parameter) when fetching a list of items is now deprecated, and marked as such via the presence of the X-Deprecated header on the response.

  • SetDriverLocation endpoint is now considered deprecated, and marked as such via the presence of the X-Deprecated header on the response.

Explore the API documentation for more resources. That's not all — we have more features to come that will improve how you and your customers use the MotionTools platform every day.

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