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Geofences around stops
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Written by Support
Updated over 2 months ago


Geofencing ensures that drivers are at the required location when they complete a stop.

When you enable geofencing, the current location of a driver will be checked against the requested location of the stop. A driver will only be able to update the status of a stop if they are in close proximity of where they need to be.

Validating the location of the driver when updating a stop status can increase the data quality and improve the customer experience. Metrics related to driver performance and customer facing notifications will be more accurate when the underlying data quality is high.

Step-by-step guide to implement geofences

  1. When creating or updating a booking via API, you can define the maximum distance in meters per stop.

  2. When the maximum_driver_distance_meters attribute is set, a stop is only allowed to be marked as arrived within the MotionTools app when the driver is within the defined meter-radius around the stop location.

  3. If the driver is not in the expected radius, the app will show the following error message.


Future improvements

Admins and Org managers will be able to force-end the stop on behalf of the driver. This can be helpful, if in some cases the driver wonโ€™t be able to perform the action due to poor GPS signal or internet connection. As a workaround for now, Admins can force-end the entire booking.

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