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Working hours on a Saved place define the time periods when a driver can visit this place. When a stop is linked to a Saved place, working hours are automatically used as the "earliest arrival" and "latest arrival" stop properties.

Adding working hours

To add working hours, navigate to Saved place details and click the Add working hours button. You can define multiple time periods for the day. For example, a place can be open from 08:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00. If the place is open for 24 hours, select the "Open 24 hours" option.

If hours aren’t added for a day, the place is considered closed that day. If hours aren't added for all days, the place is considered open 24/7.

Settings - Saved place - Edit Saved place - Working hours.png

How working hours are used

When a stop is linked to a saved place, working hours are automatically used as "earliest arrival" and "latest arrival" stop properties. These times are considered when optimizing a route and are visible to drivers.

If you need to override the working hours derived from a Saved place, you can pass different times when creating a stop. This can be done in the Webbooker in the "Arrival" section of the stop or via API (see the API documentation). If hours need to be removed, clear the input fields in the Webbooker or pass "null" if you're using API.

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