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Booking validation
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Written by Support
Updated over a month ago


This article explains how Bookings are being validated on creation and editing.

Define first stop

  1. Enter and pick a valid address for the first Stop.

  2. Specify if it is a Pickup or Drop-off stop.

  3. As an option, drag the icon to a position on the map.

  4. In the case the address isn't accurate enough, the Webbooker will take the geolocation of the stop.



The following parameters can be configured directly in the settings area of the dashboard:

  • How many stops are required as a minimum and as a maximum on a hailing booking.

  • If all stops need to be inside a service area or at least one.

Ensuring stops are in valid service area

Bookings are validated automatically to be in one of your defined service areas. This way, drivers will be sure that they only get bookings that are legitimate and that the business can actually service.

If a booking has multiple stops that are in different Service areas, the system will always take the first stop of the booking.

Please make sure that service areas donโ€™t overlap as it can cause some unwanted side effects.

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