The Analytics page on the Dashboard provides you with metrics to evaluate important areas of operations such as incoming bookings, outgoing tours as well as various metrics about packages. Additionally, you can easily filter by date and service area.
Analytics metrics
In order to understand the different metrics, it is essential to understand the status model for services and for packages.
Booking metrics
Total: Total number of bookings in all statuses
Open: Number of bookings not started by drivers (On Hold, Pickable, Scheduled, Claimed
Dispatched: Single bookings that have been merged into tours (Dispatched, Partially dispatched)
Active: Number of bookings currently En Route
Completed: Total number of bookings completed (Done, Paid, Processing Payments)
Cancelled: Total number of bookings cancelled
Tour metrics
Total: Sum of all tours in all statuses
Open: Sum of tours not started by drivers (On Hold, Pickable, Scheduled, Claimed, Looking for Driver, Assigning)
Active: Number of tours currently En route
Completed: Total number of tours completed (Done, Paid, Processing Payments)
Cancelled: Total number of tours cancelled
Package metrics
Total: Sum of all packages in all statuses
Idle: Total number of packages created but not yet planned into tours (Created, At Hub, and Destination Needed)
Pending shipment: Total number of packages planned into tours (Package statuses include: Awaiting Pickup and Scheduled for Delivery)
On the road: Total number of En Route packages (Package statuses include: In transit and Out for Delivery)
Delivered: Total number of delivered packages
Failed: Total number of failed packages
Cancelled: Total number of cancelled packages
Driver metrics
Total ⇒ Total number of drivers excluding anonymized
Online ⇒ Number of drivers that are online and available
Busy ⇒ Number of drivers that are en route with an active booking
Utilization ⇒ Percentage of the ratio between ‘Busy’ drivers and ‘Available’ drivers
Metrics aggregation
The Analytics page supports switching between the overview and list view which can be aggregated by date and service area.
Date range picker: Today, Tomorrow, Current week, Current month, Previous month, Custom
Service area selector: One, multiple or all service areas
The split view splits by service area to allow dispatchers to get an overview of many areas or hubs at once. It comes with a bunch of additional metrics such as backlog ratio and indicated the utilization rate of the regional workforce.
Upcoming improvements
Future iterations will include metrics for monitoring commercial performance (e.g. gross & net revenue, driver earnings, discounts & vouchers) to provide operators with an all-rounded overview of the business. It is also planned to provide similar statistics on a per customer and per partner organization level.