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Written by Support
Updated over 2 months ago


Metadata can be added on Bookings, Booking Stops, Packages, Users, Service Areas and Zones to include custom external data and to link between systems. Metadata is mainly visible to Admins only, in some cases also to Customers. If a task or instruction needs to be highlighted to drivers in the driver app, please use our Custom content feature instead.

Metadata on Bookings

Admins can add metadata in the Webbooker, via CSV import or via API when creating a booking. The metadata is visible on every Booking card and Booking Details page. An admin can enable the metadata's visibility via the Display options for the Bookings card.


Dashboard Users can search for bookings that have a certain metadata value attached to it using the Search feature. In this example we search for a booking by the external id attached to it.


When fetching bookings via the API #ListBookings, a filter can be used to find the booking(s) matching with your external id (metadata on booking level).

  • Example:



Metadata on Stops

If external Order ID's exists we recommend to also mention them as Stops Metadata. When Bookings are merged into tours we automatically copy the Stops Metadata to the Tour Stops. In this way the Order ID can still be found on Tours for better visibility or when searching via the Dashboard.


Add Metadata to Stops or Bookings via the Webbooker

For more details on how to add metadata to stops and/ or bookings via the Webbooker, please see the 'Metadata' section here.

Edit Metadata to a Booking or Tour after creation

To edit the metadata of a booking or tour, open the Booking/Tour Details page, click on the 3 dots, and select Edit metadata.

You can also do this via API using #PartiallyChangeHailingBookingMetadata endpoint.

edit booking metadata.png

For more details on how to edit metadata on stops, please see this section.

Metadata on Service areas / Zones

If you’re already managing your service areas with another tool and want to sync them with MotionTools, you can add metadata on a service area and link it to the external id on your current tool.

You can also do this via API #PartiallyChangeServiceAreaMetadata by mentioning the id on the service area.


If the Zones Extension is enabled on your account you can also add Metadata on Zones, either via the Dashboard or via API using the #PartiallyChangeZoneMetadata endpoint.

Metadata on Users

Admins and org managers can attach metadata on every user role (Driver, Customer, Admin and Org manager). Metadata allows you to attach custom attributes to Customer accounts for differentiation purposes or attach an external id to better sync Driver accounts between two platforms.

You can add metadata on users via the dashboard or via the API #PartiallyChangeUserMetadata.


When fetching all Users via the API #ListUsers, we support filtering by metadata to find the right users. Besides this, the API call response also lists all metadata that got added to the user.


Metadata on Packages

If the Packages extension is enabled on your account, Admins and Customers can add metadata on each package upon creation, such as storing external id’s, shop systems and other valuable information.

Admins and Customers can add metadata when they Bulk create packages with a CSV file via the Packages importer by mentioning “Metadata: example_key“ in a column of the CSV file. The value will be attached automatically to the package as metadata.


If you’re creating packages via API, please check out Create a package via API for more details.

Metadata on Places

Admins or Customers can also add metadata on created saved places they have access to. This could help i.e. if you want to map an external_id for a place, so that your custom Integration would always find the right place via this external_id.

You can also do this via API using #PartiallyChangePlaceMetadata endpoint.

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